The Spadtastics
DateApril 09, 2025 / Wednesday
Doors Open7:00 PM
Start8:00 PM
Ticket Prices$15.00 Advance // $20.00 Day of Show
VenueGarcia's at The Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, New York -
On SaleOn Sale Now
Please NoteMust be 21+ with valid ID.
The Spadtastics
- Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025 8:00 PM Buy Tickets
Event Details
The Spadtastics:
"The Spadtastics” is a terrible name for a Grateful Dead cover band. So they make up for it by playing their collective asses off—creating lysergic-laced interstellar jams that will make you question reality and quit your day job. They reach into your solar plexus, tear out your heart, and beat it with mallets made of cocobolo, milled steel, and peonies, and shove it back in at the end of the set. You don’t just leave a Spadtastics show having been entertained; you are made a better, more compassionate human being.
How do the Spadtastics achieve such mind-blowing Grateful-Dead-covering awesomeness? Well, they’re veterans of locally legendary bands such as MILC, Nick the Fin, Magic Garden, the Well, the Tasteful Nudes, Uncle John’s Touch of Grey Band (feat. Casey Jones), and Steppenwolf. They’ve been playing this music since the peak of the Brent Mydland era and have only gotten younger since. Now, they are certified Diamond Platinum Status Masters of the Dead—and will challenge any Podunk band that thinks they’re better to a Help>Slip>Franklin’s duel at 20 paces. Just try us!
If you’re brave enough, you can check out the Spadtastics on this thing they invented during a particularly intense and experimental Dark Star jam; it’s called “the Internet." You can visit their Website Actuality, their Facebook Presence, their infrequently-updated Instagram Existence, and SoundCloud Tendencies there.
Better yet, you can experience the DNA-altering incredibleness of the Spadtastics at your local purveyor of live music.
We hope to see you there soon.