Here's Why We'll Never Stop Going to Concerts

Stevie Wonder — 'Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand.'
Are you like us? Addicted to music? If you're reading this, you probably are. Music is one addiction that doesn't need treatment. In fact, music is a cure for the soul. It can make you forget about your problems for a while, lift your spirits when you're feeling down, and with the right song, mood, atmosphere, and people surrounding you, well, music can change your life. That's where concerts come into the picture.

The music community is like no other. It turns strangers into family, builds indestructible relationships, and embodies an energy that continues to move the community forward. Have you ever walked into a room and felt instantly inspired? If you've ever seen your favorite band at a concert, you probably have. There's really nothing that compares to that feeling, and that's just ONE of the many reasons why we keep going back.

The hours before a show is an experience within itself. Waking up to the realization that today is THE day is without a doubt one of the best ways to wake up. Knowing that you'll be hanging all night with your crew and connecting on another level is an amazing feeling. Most likely, that crew is made up of people you've met through music. And then, when you finally get to the show, and the lights eventually dim, and you feel like the anticipation is going to drive you wild... That's when the band hits the stage and the perfect rush explodes through your body.

Chances are the day after a concert you're glowing, singing, smiling, and ready to do it all over again. Is there really anything better than live music? Nope. Nothing.