reCAP :: The Fab Faux :: 2013.05.11
Written by: Meredith Berke
Photos by: Dino Perucci

The Fab Faux, a Beatles cover band playing for sixteen years, played The Capitol Theater to an almost sold-out crowd. With all the members of the band, including The Hogshead Horns and The Creme Tangerine Strings, they played for almost 3 hours. The whole second set was a remake of the Beatles’ best selling album, Abbey Road.
The musicians all play multiple instruments, so it is hard to keep up with who is playing what. Jack Petruzzelli on keyboards and guitar, Will Lee on bass, Jimmy Vivino and Frank Agnello also pass off on keyboards and guitars, and drummer Rich Pagano all switched instruments throughout the evening.
The Fab Faux are not impersonators, they are all accomplished musicians and their goal seems to be to recreate the Beatles experience, down to the last note and the last harmony, and they have accomplished that quite well. It is a sight to see, or rather, it is a great experience to close your eyes and pretend that The Beatles’ are actually playing live for you.
The Capitol Theatre also put their signature spin on the evening with a light show on the walls of the theater. The crowd was in a field of flowers during “Strawberry Fields," and raindrops covered the walls during “Rain,” just to mention a few. The walls were lit up for most of the show.

Highlights were “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” where the audience first got up from their seats in a rousing applause. A live cello and guitar were on the stage for “Eleanor Rigby” and the harmonies within all the musicians were spot on. Women threw their panties onto the stage, to the chuckle of the band and the audience alike.
The encore was two favorites, “She Loves You,” and “Twist and Shout.” By that time everyone was on their feet, dancing and smiling, twisting and singing and having a great time.
The Capitol Theatre Photo Gallery
Photos by: Dino Perucci
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