Welcome Back, Rob! A Letter From Your Friends at The Capitol Theatre
Feb 01 / Thursday

Dear Rob,
Welcome back! We’re elated to hear that you’re back in good health and ready to play some music for us! The music that you’ve created with moe. over the last 29 years has helped shape the lives of countless fans. Your music has played a part in the story of their lives and the impact that you’ve had on your bandmates and fans is immeasurable. It’s been so inspiring to see the moe. community stand behind you during your recovery, and through the ups and downs of the last year, we know you’ve been envisioning the moment when the lights go down and you walk on stage. Well, that moment is finally here, and what better place for it to be than at The Capitol Theatre. We, at The Capitol Theatre, would like to say that we’re truly grateful to host this celebration of life and music. Let's do this!
Your Friends at The Capitol Theatre