Give Back to The Community! Food Drive for Caritas at #ShakedownSundays at Garcia's

Garcia's at The Capitol Theatre is proud to announce that we have teamed up with Caritas of Port Chester to hold a food drive during #ShakedownSundays! Check out the current lineup of Shakedown Sundays HERE, and stay tuned for more announcements.

The Mission is Simple: Help Those in Need
Caritas of Port Chester was formed in 1995, by a group of church volunteers who began serving meals of soup and sandwiches to the hungry. The mission of Caritas is to "provide food, clothing, counseling, and educational services to anyone in need in Port Chester, NY and the surrounding area... with the goal of developing personal, economic and social opportunity for all those we serve."

Why Have a Food Drive?
In our community alone, one in every five Westchester County residents are hungry, or at risk for hunger. In the first quarter of 2017, Caritas' dining room served 10,737 meals, and the pantry provided groceries for over 1,000 different households. It is recorded that almost 800 million people are malnourished, and participating and donating items for a local food drive is your first step in making a difference.

Where Do the Items Go?
Caritas of Port Chester has a Soup Kitchen that is open five days a week, serving hot breakfasts and lunches to local hungry families, as well as a food pantry that is open twice a week. In 2006, Caritas of Port Chester expanded their services and began offering a free clothing distribution service called Open Closet, and an emergency service program to aid single mothers who are seeking assistance with medical and living expenses. Members of the community in need of food, toiletries, clothing, or services are encouraged to visit Caritas of Port Chester to get the assistance they require.

What Are Suggested Items to Bring?
-Pasta -Tuna -Vegetable Oil -Toothbrush -Toothbrush Cover -Mouthwash -Shampoo -Lip Balm -Deodorant -Cleansing Wipes -Soap -Body Wash -Body Lotion -Hand and Foot Warmers -Laundry Detergent -Bandages

How Can I Continue to Help After the Food Drive?
Caritas of Port Chester is always looking for volunteers to help in their facility. If you are an energetic and enthusiastic individual that has passion for giving back to the community, visit Caritas of Port Chester HERE and fill out the provided form.