Get to Know Robert Ellis with This Personal Interview
June 17 / Friday

Houston based Robert Ellis answered some questions for us so you could get to know him before his show at Garcia's on June 20. With a new album just released on June 3, we're excited to hear what he has to offer! We cover everything from moving to Nashville to his collection of vinyl records. Don't wait to get your tickets to see Ellis take his country vibes to Port Chester, New York!
1. You moved to Nashville in 2014. How did the move from Texas to Tennessee affect your music? How would compare the two states?
I'm not really interested in this sort of thing. TN and TX are both fine places to live. I think people write and create for a myriad of far more interesting reasons than where they live and what that place represents culturally. Not to mention that when you travel almost 300 days a year where you call home becomes fairly irrelevant. So, I comment?
2. Did you know that Garcia’s is named after the Grateful Dead member, Jerry Garcia? Does your music have any Grateful Dead influences?
I LOVE the Greatful Dead. I was never a "Dead Head" but I have always liked the songs. The sort of jammy elements don't necessarily appeal to me but the songs are great. I sometimes think their craft as songwriters was overshadowed by the culture surrounding the band. Anyway, they are great.
3. It’s been said that you’re into vinyl records. What is your favorite record in your collection?
Geeeeeeeez. One record? Are you crazy? I have a really cool copy of "glassworks" that I have nearly worn out. Also The Beach Boys "Endless Summer" has gotten a ton of play. I buy so many records so that's a hard one to answer. I sometimes buy them because I know the artist and want the record and sometimes it's just a cool cover that draws me in. Sometimes with jazz records I might like one of the players.
4. You’re beginning your tour in support of your new self-titled album this June. If you could perform in any venue around the world, where would it be?
MADISON'S RECTANGULAR GARDEN or "The Acropolis" with Yanni.
5. We see on Facebook that you were offering guitar lessons to fans while you were in Houston, Texas. Is this an offer you make often when you’re stationed somewhere for a few days? What does it mean to you to reach out and interact with fans on a personal level?
I love teaching. It's less about "fans" and more about sharing anything I can with other people who love music. It's such a pleasure to be able to help enrich their experience or understanding of something I care deeply about. I'm very grateful for all my teachers and I still take lessons when I can.
6. What was it like working on the sequel to the iconic documentary Heartworn Highways? Do you feel as if it is an accurate representation of the music scene in Nashville today?
It was a time and place in a fluid and changing world. When I watch it I'm like "that's us, that was then". I'm very thankful to have been involved and it's cool that we will have that to look back on when we are all older. It's a little window into a group of friends and a time when we were all together.
7. You traveled to India for a month last fall. What type of music were you exposed to? How did this adventure influence your album or music style?
India was insane. I almost died. I swam across the ganges, nearly drowned and then was down with a parasite for a month. I'm sure that has changed me (bacterially speaking). Hanging with Jonny Fritz and writing music with him has really helped my process. He is an inspiration as a writer and we are sort of partners in crime when it comes to doing extreme things and pushing boundaries, in life and music.