Facebook Fan Q&A With Anders Osborne
Feb 07 / Tuesday

You asked, Anders Osborne answered. Keep reading if you want to find out where Anders Osborne loves to eat in New Orleans, who his greatest influences are, and everything in between. See him at The Cap with special guest Jackie Greene, Assembly of Dust, and The Ghost of Paul Revere on Saturday, February 18. Get your tickets here-->> HERE!
Jerry Fecteau: How much has New Orleans been an influence in your career? What is your favorite place to eat in New Orleans?
New Orleans has shaped every aspect of who I am and what I do. I like to eat at Herbsaint, Liuzza’s by the track, and Lebanon's Cafe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-48GCTEZP3wJustin Tisi: How did you become so good at playing? How long did it take you to feel confident enough to play in front of people without your nerves getting in the way?
I am still very nervous every time I perform. :) I love listening, dissecting, learning, and losing myself in music. It’s the great spirit in the sky allowing me to participate in the greatest trip on earth. My mistakes are apart of who I am. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQtcjQkmxhE&t=1046sAndrea Ronnie: What is your favorite live collaboration?
Most of them are wonderful. Right now I love playing with my current band, Brady Blade, Eric McFadden, and Carl Dufresne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9tHsT8RFmgAlex Neave: What is it like to play with Phil Lesh of the Grateful Dead?
One of the greatest journeys one can take. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsiVJqTzgFIAndy Della Rocca: What is your favorite Chicago blues song?
Mannish Boy by Muddy Waters, 1955 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5IOou6qN1oSeth Wax: When you write songs do you think of an artist who might be able to do a great cover of it? For instance, I always felt the song “Got Your Heart” had Bonnie Raitt written all over it.
No, I mostly focus on the core feeling of the song itself, and what my role should be. I would love Bonnie to record that song. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62S9HHOiqdkPJ Lebowski: I love your songwriting. Who are artists that have influenced you the most?
Bob Dylan, Joni, Coltrane, Cannonball, Neil, Miles, Lowell, Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, Ry Cooder, Willie Nelson, Van, Townes Van Zant, James Taylor, Black Sabbath, Vivaldi, Mozart, Bach, Ray Charles…Taj…so many. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES7WwdCbkBcHillary Korn Fontana: How much time do you put into your art? Especially with your crazy travel schedule.
I do something everyday. It’s important to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWE8qLArsq4Mark Beswick: What would your dream gig be?
Acoustic live at Machu Picchu, Peru.
Dylan Cohen: What is your favorite guitar that you own?
My black 1968 Stratocaster.