8 of the Top Reasons You Need to Show up to Open Mic Night

1. Legends have walked the same path
Countless music icons got their start playing at open mic nights. You have to start somewhere, and the bottom is usually that place.

2. Inspiration is everywhere
Open mic nights are a great way to experience the energy of a live music environment. You'll get to connect with other like-minded musicians to share ideas and be inspired.

3. Valuable experience
As they say, practice makes perfect, and an open mic night is the perfect opportunity to practice playing your music in front of an audience. Even if you bomb, the supportive crowd will cheer you on.
4. Meet other musicians
An open mic night provides you with the chance to meet other musicians. That meeting could lead to collaborations, and those collaborations might lead to forming a new band.

5. Union of creative energy
There's something about live music that brings people together. If you're a beginner, you may not have experienced the thrill of playing live and the exhilarating feeling of crowd interaction. An open mic night will give you that feeling which will no doubt give you an extra boost when performing.

6. Sound will be done by a qualified professional
Open mic nights will feature everything you've been missing from your parent's basement - such as a full stage, a professional sound engineer, and lighting.

7. Involvement in the music community
The local music community is an encouraging thing to be part of and if you're just starting out, you'll want to get to know the other players in the game.

8. Confidence is key
As Henry David Thoreau said, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined."