6 of the Most Inspiring Questions and Answers with Cats Under The Stars

Garcia’s “Playing in the Band” is a chance to get up close and personal with our performers like never before. Come for the conversation, stay for the education, and leave with a message. See Cats Under The Stars play DeadCenter at Garcia's on Wednesday, February 24!
1. Jerry Garcia Band had an incredible bond between band and audience, how do you keep that vibe going during your shows?
Awesome, and really important question. It’s super key to keep an awesome relationship with the crowd both at the show, and between shows. I’m a big fan of giving people whatever they ask for at shows. I want it to be their show that we just happen to be part of. We often have a setlist which we’ll write out backstage before the show, but at almost every show there’s people hootin' and hollerin’ about which tune they wanna hear. I LOVE that. The second I hear a request, I’ll call it and just start playing it. The reaction from the fans is priceless. That’s what it’s all about.
We also love to hang out with our fans. We’ll almost always end a show by saying “hey thanks for coming out tonight. We’re gonna grab a bottle of water real quick, but would love to come hang out with you in the lobby!” etc. It’s so much fun for us, and the fans seem to dig it. You just gotta be down to earth and personable - a couple traits I hope to see in most people.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI21ppSeqqg2. If you could ask Jerry Garcia one question, what would you ask and why?
Hmm. I think what would interest me the most is his relationship with the melody of music. When Jerry goes for a guitar solo on most songs, he follows the melody for a lot of it, and just adds embellishments along the way. He clearly loves each song he plays. I’d probably end up talking to him about how he structures that in his head as he plays it. Does he sing it out in his head? Does he try to compliment the vocal melody? Does he try to recreate it in a sense? Or does he not think that hard about it in the first place? Probably the latter. haha.
3. Jerry Garcia used over 20 guitars in the span of his career. Zach, what has been your favorite type of guitar to use while playing the music of Jerry Garcia?
I like this question a lot. Jerry used so many different TYPES of guitars over the years. Early on he played a Guild Starfire which is just so far from where he ended up with instrumentation. Really cool to watch a musician’s taste evolve and grow like that over the years. Right now I play a custom replica of Jerry’s “Wolf” guitar which I’ve had on the road with me for almost 10 years at this point. BUT, soon…really, really soon…I’ll have my hands on a brand new guitar built by one of Jerry’s builders. I’m so honored and excited to get this guitar. It’ll be designed based on Jerry’s “Tiger” guitar which he played from 89 to 90. Arguably the most recognizable of his guitars. It’s going to be super special.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ_IH2apHnQ4. What makes the atmosphere of Garcia's different than other rooms you've performed in?
Obviously Garcia’s is themed around the man himself. The thing is, there are a lot of places which use a name to draw in some business with a unique idea or scheme. Garcia’s is SO genuine, that it’s hard to describe if you haven’t been. It’s so warm, and really truly exudes love for music and Jerry himself. The atmosphere is awesome in there, and it really makes a show just that much more fun to play. I feel lucky to play in a room with those kind of vibes, but I’m jealous of the fans who get to see all the shows there! I’ve got to make it down for more shows at Garcia’s now that I think of it. Like I said…you just kind of have to be there to feel it.
5. If you had to choose, what one song by Jerry Garcia Band inspired you to play his music and why?
Oh man. This is really hard. I get asked all the time what my favorite Dead song is, etc. Really hard question. I’ll say Brokedown Palace, and specifically the recording on the album Dead Set, and super specifically Jerry’s solo on that version. Goosebumps every time. I remember using my parent’s car in high school, driving around for house listening to that disc. Man, that solo. If you haven’t heard it, do yourself a favor and check it out right now. Listening to that track with eyes closed is a must. I still listen to that record regularly at home. It’ll change things for you. Mind blowing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSnri6SVin86. You've spent a lot of your career playing old music by artists like Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead. Are you learning to play music by any new bands?
Yeah absolutely. I do a lot of solo acoustic shows when I’m not on the road, and I actually recently made an agreement with myself to learn a new song every day. It’s been so much fun. I’m learning stuff from Van the man to Vulfpeck. It’s funny how much you can learn and how many ideas you can get from even the simplest of music as long as it’s outside of your norm. It’s always refreshing and inspiring. I’m always open to new projects and tunes. Keep ‘em coming!