13 of the Best Times Cap Alumni Crushed College Commencement Ceremonies

It seems that every year around this time, as hordes of college seniors dawn their cap and gown for graduation, we hear about the commencement speeches given by some of the world's most influential people. As it turns out, you might have seen some of these speakers at The Capitol Theatre. Check out these inspirational graduation speeches and performances given by Cap alumni!
1. Alice Cooper at the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles in 2012
Alice Cooper is known for songs like “School's Out,” so of course he was thrilled when asked if he would speak for the graduates of the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles (where he also received an honorary doctorate). While the decision might have seemed weird at the time, his witty oratory made for both an entertaining and impassioned commencement speech.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O59EySbeEXE2. David Bowie at Berklee College of Music in 1999
Nobody feels more “Under Pressure” than a senior graduating from college as they prepare to start their adult lives - so who better to provide a few words of encouragement than David Bowie! Watch as he honored the new Berklee College of Music graduates class of 1999.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZNEvTYVo4s3. Willie Nelson's performance at Berklee Commencement in 2013
Ain’t it funny how time slips away in college? Those 4 years just fly by! In 2013, Willie Nelson was awarded an honorary Doctor of Music degree from Berklee College of Music. In the same company was legendary singer-songwriters Carole King and Annie Lennox. Check out Nelson’s performance of his original song “Nightlife” at the annual commencement concert!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byEmgtgN3904. David Byrne at Columbia University in 2013
Can’t seem to face up to the facts… that you’re loan payments are now due!? Here’s David Byrne welcoming the Columbia University class of 2013 to the “real” world.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4KGchVv3GY5. Steely Dan at Berklee College of Music in 2001
The girls you meet in college can be cruel, and you might even feel like you can never go back to your old school, but on May 12, 2001, Walter Becker and Donald Fagen received honorary Doctor of Music degrees at Berklee’s commencement ceremony. During their speach, Walter Becker told the new graduates to “Play the blues — it works over everything.”
https://vimeo.com/1607979706. Gregg Allman at Mercer University in 2016
Students during finals week often feel like they’re tied to a whipping post after spending so many hours in the library. Only two weeks ago, Gregg Allman was awarded a Doctor of Humanities degree from Mercer University. Watch him hang with former president Jimmy Carter and perform the Allman Brothers Band classic “Midnight Rider” for the graduating class.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mljli-wKCQ7. Buddy Guy at Columbia College in 2006
Sometimes college lasts four, maybe five long years, but at graduation there's no time to have the blues! Except for when Buddy Guy is playing, of course. Buddy Guy has certainly left his mark in history as being one of the world's leading blues guitarists, so it’s no surprise that Columbia College Chicago awarded him with an honorary Doctor of Arts degree. Check out his performance and be sure to come see Buddy Guy with Jeff Beck at the Cap on July 19!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beN4HnjheK88. Bill Maher at UC Berkley in 2014
In 2014, Bill Maher sat down with students for some “Real Time” at UC Berkley’s December graduation ceremony. During his 15-minute address, the outspoken comedian and talk-show host felt obligated to mention UCal's tradition of dissent saying, ”C’mon, it's Berkeley. I think I can speak freely here… I mean, I hope I can.” Come see Bill Maher speak his mind live at The Cap on Saturday July 9!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP1wJvuA-Dk9. James Taylor at Berklee College of Music in 1995
How sweet it is to finish that college degree! Watch five-time Grammy Award-winning artist James Taylor speak at the 1995 Berklee College of Music graduation where he referred to music as “spiritual food.” We couldn’t agree more, James!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-WRI7Hbkw810. Taj Mahal at Wofford College in 2011
Wouldn’t it be nice if your parents could buy you a Chevrolet for graduation? Blues and roots musician Taj Mahal received an honorary degree at Wofford College's 157th Commencement ceremony. His speech was short and sweet, but his performance was more than awe-inspiring.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-F3cB9iMdg11. Dr. John & Allen Toussaint at Tulane University in 2013
Students at this stupefyingly awesome ceremony were definitely in the right place at the right time! These lucky grads were sent out into the world by two of the most legendary musicians in music. Talk about a funky graduation ceremony! Both musicians received their honorary degrees and dressed in traditional grad attire, they, and the students got down in NOLA fashion.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC3PgDA3-Us12. Michael McDonald at Berklee College of Music in 2011
Oh, sweet freedom! At this Berkelee College of Music ceremony, Michael McDonald was honored with an honorary degree for the joy his music has brought to the world. This ceremony even includes what McDonald would deem, a "wardrobe malfunction!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb5XGggazQE13. Steve Winwood at Berklee College of Music in 2008
Anyone who’s graduated college knows what it's like to want to be back in the high life again! ”Berklee, you're a light. Keep on shining," the legendary British rocker told students and families at Berkee College of Music’s 2008 graduation.