10 Keys to Living the Good Life According to Kyle Hollingsworth

1. Live Consciously
The String Cheese Incident works closely with Conscious Alliance, a nonprofit organization committed to supporting communities in crisis through hunger relief and youth empowerment. By hosting Food Drives at many of their shows, they directly help to feed the hungry everywhere music plays. So be conscious and think about everything you do. Make conscious choices rather than doing things without thinking about how it's making a positive or negative impact on your community.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKQGxCm7Hy82. Don’t Take Life so Seriously
Kyle's fun-loving attitude comes out in his performances and shines throughout each and every show. He has successfully proven that “seasoned musicians can be tasty and laid back, too!” Sometimes it may feel like the world wants you to take your life seriously. Don't do it. Be more like Kyle!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBU6eo2l1PI3. Love What You Do
If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. Do what you love. Love what you do. It's a way of life. By following Kyle's keys to success, you'll find a plan for creating a life you love filled with passion and purpose.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvv2sOy-RdE4. Take Vacations
Vacations are essential. Most of us would go crazy otherwise. If String Cheese Incident’s recent trip to Jamaica has shown us anything, it’s that Kyle hasn’t forgotten how to sit back, relax, and “Breathe.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDuJ5If-NRY
5. Keep in Touch With Your Inner Child
It’s important no matter how old you get you to never forget how to have fun. From what we can see, Kyle sure hasn’t. Kyle nurtures his inner child in ways that never cease to make us smile.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwi8J6lUrpQ6. Dress to Impress
Kyle is a fashion icon in the jam world! His colorful outfits and signature fuzzy hat are often bouncing with jubilance as he tickles our souls with his keyboard. His sense of style doesn’t end on stage.

7. Explore Your Passion
Kyle’s passion for music does not end with The String Cheese Incident. When he’s not on the road with String Cheese he also tours with his solo project, The Kyle Hollingsworth Band. If there’s one thing that Kyle has shown us through his work as a musician it’s that with persistence and originality you can accomplish anything.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrKdtE2zFaM8. Never Give Up on Your Hobbies
Hobbies are important, they keep us grounded when life seems its most chaotic. Kyle's hobbies include skiing and home brewing his own beer, most notably “Hoppingsworth IPA.” Kyle also hosts and performs at numerous beer-themed events such as “Kyle’s Craft Beer Corner” and “Hoppy Holidays.” Cheers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzQuV3a_8909. Keep Your Friends Close
If a family is the foundation of a joyous life, friends are the cement that holds it all together. This is not lost on Kyle either, who performs with his close friends in The String Cheese Incident on a regular basis.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9y1LHo2Clw10. Make Time for Your Loved Ones
When Kyle isn’t on the road mesmerizing us with his skills on the keyboard, he’s at home spending quality time with his daughters. Whether he’s hula hooping with his daughters on stage or escorting their giant stuffed animals, Kyle never misses an opportunity to make his family smile.
Watch the video below: