The Littlest Things Make The Biggest Noises: Tracking Down The Alpaca Gnomes

The Alpaca Gnomes are a 7 piece original rock/folk band coming to Garcia's on Thursday, October 19. Their goal is to spread happiness and inspire others to do the same. We tracked down the Gnomes and asked them a few questions before their show. Check it out and get to the show early for Meadowhawks, who have created their own genre, which they call "Wilderness Rock."
1. We wanted to mention right away how rad of a name you have. What is the origin of the “Alpaca Gnome”? Logistically, is it an Alpaca-looking Gnome or vice versa? Adding to that, who made your Gnome hats??
Well thank you for the compliment! And I haven't heard the word Rad for some time, so bonus points to you on that. I'm not sure if you are aware, but there are many different types of gnomes all over the world. Our descendants traveled by way of Alpaca, hence the name The Alpaca Gnomes. Kimberly's father, who goes by Morfar, has been handmaking our hats for the last 200 or so years. If you could describe your sound to fans in three words or less, what would you tell them?
Music, sweet music. You’ve opened for countless Cap and Garcia's alumni including the Funky Meters and Twiddle, but now, you’re headlining Garcia’s. Do you have anything special planned for this debut performance?
Playing at Garcia's will be special, as it's our first time there. Every show we feel is special in its own way. Just like you are special in your own way. We hope that we do something that night that makes someone want to say "That was special." Your fans are called the “Gnomies,” which is very similar to how the Dead had Deadheads and Phish have Phans. When did you start to notice you were having this cult following?
When we started to see the same beautiful faces night after night singing our songs. And also when we looked out into the crowd and saw these beautiful folks wearing Gnome hats just like our ancestors did and still do. If your fans could take only one thing away from your show, what would you want that one thing to be?
A big 'ol smile to take with them on their daily battle against the ugliness of our world.
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